Thanks Brian - I've updated to 6.28 and continued testing. I look forward to your feedback on the current capabilities. I don't know Arabic myself, so the capabilities that ARE there have come via requests from users such as yourself. If you have issues, I'd love to work with you on trying to handle them in the most appropriate way. Depending on what editor you use, you may have better or worse luck editing text. I've put a lot of work into Absolute's international text capabilities and the Arabic ordering/shaping was added within the last year or so. In any case, I believe there is a workable scenario in there somewhere. This will allow the editor to set the text order, cursor position, etc. Use an arabic-aware editor and DISABLE Absolute's RTL. Absolute will then reverse it again, resulting in things being in the wrong order and editing again becomes confused The editor may reverse the text itself, assuming that the terminal will not. Using AbsoluteTelnet RTL and an editor that IS arabic-aware. The editor will assume that the text is visually displayed in a LTR manner, but since it is not, the cursor position will become confused and you'll edit data you did not intend to edit Using AbsoluteTelnet RTL and an editor that is not arabic-aware. If editing is not important, then skip this part. EDITING text in an editor on the host may be a different matter, depending on what editor you use.

Common choices for you would be ISO-8859-6, Win1256, or UTF8 depending on what character set the host supports.ĭISPLAYING Arabic text in Absolute works well when the RTL option is enabled. The 'Translation' setting you choose should match the character set of the host.

Press this and you should see the text re-ordered and shaped. There is a button on the toolbar labeled RTL. It does so through the use of the FRIBIDI library. Absolute can handle RTL text and Arabic shaping. Actually, you're in luck! The answer is YES.